When a knot is formed on a rope, the knot weakens. If you pull hard enough, the rope can snap. The rope may break if you pull hard enough. Magnet fishing is less than ideal because you may be drawing up anything valuable or the magnet itself is expensive.
Many different types of knots can be used for magnet fishing. Some knots are stronger, and some are easier than others. Knowing how to tie a knot well is essential because the rope is usually not attached to the magnet when you buy it.
There are a few knots that work best for magnet fishing. They tighten on themselves and hold the magnet securely. The following knots meet these criteria and can also handle heavy weight.
Figure 8 Loops
The double figure 8 loop knot is the best for magnet fishing because it tightens when you pull on it. There are two double figure 8 loops: the follow-through knot and the bunny ears knot.
The figure 8 loop is a knot that is used for fly fishing. This knot weakens the rope the least and has an 80% success rating when subjected to pull tests. The double figure 8 loop is an extension of figure 8 through the loop and is exceptionally sturdy. This knot ensures you will never lose your magnet and is stable and unlikely to slip.
The double figure 8 loop has several advantages. It is easy to tie, forms a straight loop, and does not come undone easily. One downside is that it is challenging to untie.
Figure 8 Double Loop Tie-Up:
- Construct a loop with the rope.
- Pass the end through the loop to form the number 8.
- Pass the end through the number eight
- Open the end loop and bring it forward.
- Pass it through the right Hold end and pull it tight.
- It should resemble rabbit ears.
How to Tie Figure 8 Follow Through Loop:
- Initialize by tying a loose figure eight knot.
- Pass the tail end around the connection point.
- Then continue to trace the original figure eight around its perimeter
- Lastly, cinch the knot.
The Uni Knot
The Uni knot or Hangman’s knot is a common fishing knot that is simple and easy to tie. It also works great for connecting around large diameters, which may be necessary when magnet fishing for large objects or using large magnets.
The uni knot is a strong knot that can be used with different types of rope. It is important to remember that the knot stays strong when pressure is applied steadily or when there is a sudden jerk.
With sudden yanks or pulls, most knots with a success rate of at least 90 percent when applied with steady pressure may swiftly unravel or break 50 to 60 percent of the time. The uni knot has two variations: the double uni knot and the uni to uni knot. The double uni knot is a version of the uni knot in which the line is doubled at both ends to create two knots. The double uni usually overstretches, but it is quick and does not slip or break usually.
The uni to uni knot is an excellent way to join two ropes together. It is a good knot to use in low light because it is simple.
How to Tie the Uni Knot:
- Pull the rope through the magnet’s hole.
- Retrace the line so that it is parallel.
- To form a loop, place the tag end over the doubled line.
- Make six more rounds around the double-backed line with rag end
- Push through the loop
- Pull the end through the loop
- Slide knot down to the hole
Palomar Knot
The figure 8 double loop is most commonly competing against the Palomar knot. The Palomar knot is very strong and doesn’t come loose easily, making it a popular choice for fishers who need to tie hooks or swivels.
It is not the easiest to tie, which is why it is sometimes less popular than the figure 8 loops. However, when connected properly, the knot comes close to having a 100% success rate when subjected to pull tests.
The double Palomar knot is a variation of the Palomar knot. The difference is that you make two wraps through the loop instead of just one. It makes the knot stronger.
How to Tie a Polmer Knot:
- Double 6 inches of line and pass the end of the loop through the hole of the magnet
- Tie a loose overhand knot
- Hold overhand knot between thumb and forefinger
- Pass loop of line over the hole
- Slide loop above the hole
- Pull on the magnet’s hole and the standing line to tighten the knot.
- With the double line, tie an overhand knot.
Make sure that all knot parts come together when you pull the magnet through the loop. If they don’t, the knot might not be secure and could come undone.
What Type of Knot NOT to Use
Common knots not to use:
- Portuguese Bowline knot
- Overhand knot
- Square knot
When magnet fishing, it is important to use the right knot. Many fishing knots are effective, but not for magnet fishing. The Portuguese Bowline, overhand knot, and square knot are examples of these knots.
The Portuguese bowline knot is easy to make. You need two loops that you can adjust. But even after tightening the knots, pulling the rope out of one loop and into the other is easy. So it’s not ideal for magnet fishing.
The overhand knot is the easiest and most used method for tying objects. It is not as strong as some other knots, but it is easy to connect and can come undone if needed.
The square knot is another simple knot that sailors have used for centuries. It is not as strong as some other knots, but it is easy to tie and less likely to come undone than the overhand knot.
Read more: The hidden dangers of magnet fishing
Frequently Asked Questions About Magnet Fishing Knots
This product is most effective as a magnet fishing line, especially for those seeking a suitable length. The average length of a rope cut should be 20 meters or 65 feet, though this may vary based on the specific cable.
This paracord or 550 cord is perfect for magnetic fishing because of its lightweight yet durable construction. Meager weight means less drag when throwing your magnet, so you can throw it further than you can with thicker ropes.
The Palomar Knot may be the strongest all-purpose knot. Because a double line was used, the knot effectively maintains a high breaking strength and is simple to tie.